God's Pageantry

Spiritual Legal Rights II: Introduction to Dissociation and Ritual Abuse

There’s abuse. And then there’s ritual abuse.

To survive the torment, terror and trauma, children often respond by splitting off ‘parts’ of the self whose specific job it is to endure the pain. Dissociative Identity Disorder is one common result.

Spiritual Legal Rights II is a simple introduction to a complex area. It aims to assist anyone who ministers to wounded hearts to discern between dissociation and demonisation. Unless we know the difference, we may cause further harm. But there is hope, healing and fullness of life waiting.

Highly experienced therapist, Janice Sergison, presents profound principles in an easy-to-understand way.

ISBN (print)978-1-925380-68-2

ISBN (ebook):

Authors: Janice Sergison, ‘Rory’, ‘Annie’, and Anne Hamilton

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