Thousands of people are involved in getting one of the books on this website into your hands. The tree growers, timber fellers, log carriers, pulp makers, warehouse workers, office requisitioners, transport drivers, ink manufacturers, pre-print scrutineers, cover glazers, binding checkers, trimmers, packers, truckers… sure, some of those processes are automated but, for each frontline human checking outcomes, there are managers and receptionists and accountants… and, well, you get the picture. And that doesn’t even consider the distributors or the bookstore sellers, or the ebook creators…

Armour Books thanks all the invisible people involved in the production of our range. But we’d like to single out just a few people for especial thanks:

Dell Hamilton, who wrote so many of the prayers in so many of Anne’s books.

Beck Robinson of Beckon Creative, for the design of the majority of our books.

Enoch Lavender of EasyWeb Design, for this website.