Silk Shadows, Rings of Gold
Jesus and the Healing of History 03
Jesus is risen! On the day of His resurrection, He came out of the tomb and spent both morning and evening healing history.
In the garden, we hear haunting echoes of Eden.
On the road, we sense the lingering pain of an ancient tragedy.
It’s so easy to overlook how Jesus mended these jagged historical wounds. His actions seem too simple, His words too commonplace.
It’s also easy to miss His fulfilment of the beautiful prophecy at the end of the Song of Songs—about the garden, the stag and the mountain of spices. Let Jesus show you how to heal history. And how to experience the extraordinary in the ordinary.
The garden outside the tomb; the road to Emmaus
There are two stories in this volume. Instead of going to comfort His mother and disciples as soon as He returned from the Father on the day of His resurrection, Jesus took a walk out into the country and had a conversation with two travellers. What was so important about that journey that it relegated family and friends to secondary importance? What extraordinary healing was Jesus bringing to pass?
This book is available at all the usual outlets, including Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Eden Books (UK) and Koorong (Australia).
Outside Australia, however, it is only available as a mass market paperback through print-on-demand and, due to changes in that process, the lavish colour interior is a soft matte rather than a vibrant gloss. If you prefer the latter and, if you have the time, it’s recommended that you contact the publisher direct via this website. Alternatively, within Australia or New Zealand, you can order the offset copies from Vision Christian Store.